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Yes Please

Yes Please - Amy Poehler I admit that I listened to the unabridged audiobook (as I did for all of the books I've "read" this year) read by Amy Poehler herself. It was GREAT. I think people may be missing something by reading this book instead of listening to the author (and the accompanying guest readers) read it. You get all of the attitude that may have been lost on the printed page.

But as far as the stories go, I found it all pretty interesting. Perhaps I have a lower bar for autobiographies than some of the other reviewers? I loved this book and am now listening to Bossypants by Tina Fey (which I'd started a long while ago, but never finished). After that I will probably listen to Mindy Kaling's book. It's nice to hear from the female comedienne's point of view, which is exactly what you get in "Yes, Please". Highly recommend if you're a fan of hers.